Linguisit seeking job in bank?

2011-01-20 11:55 pm
Hi. I am a Lingusitic fresh grad from an university in Vancouver with the GPA of 3.2. I am interested in working at one of the banks in HK (HSBC, Citibank etc)since it seems like I will have a better development on my career path in the future. I realize those banks have the managment programmes for fresh grad and I am really interested in those programmes, but they seem very competitive and strict to get in. Since I am not commerce or economic major, do you guys think I would have a slight chance in seizing the managment programme position in banks? any tips or experience? Thanks a lot!

回答 (1)

2011-01-25 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hi, I'm also fresh grad this year.

I'm not much better thanyou..I have started seeking job 1.5 month ago, sent out nearly 100letters, with about 10 interviews got, only 10% succeed poor.

I agree with some of them, as what I have learnt through in this 1.5 month, you have to review the following:

1/ Your cover letter and resume : is it too long? relevant to the position? can sell yourself? any grammatical mistakes?

2/Too high expected salary : for sales or MT, i think 10k is ok, formarketing, most company juz give 8-9k for no experienced candidates

3/ Job nature : is it relevant to your major?

4/Timing : I suggest you apply the job which juz posted out a few day,otherwise, it will lower your interview chance that they'd alreadyreceived many CV so they won't consider yours or even they'd alreadyhired someone.

Hope it helps!

Bless you!

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