Differentiation problem

2011-01-20 8:51 am
Suppose that a farmer wishes to build his rectangular plot away
form the river(so that he must use his fence for all four sides of the rectangle).given that the circumference of the rectangle is 2x+2y=1000
and the area is xy

Determine the maximum area he can enclose in this case

Given that y=(t+1)^7(2t+3)^4(2t-1)^5,find dy/dt

回答 (2)

2011-01-20 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1:
The circumference of the rectangle is 2x+2y=1000
and the area is xy
x + y = 500
y = 500 – x
A = xy = x(500 – x)
A = -x^2 + 500x
Differentiate A with respect to x
dA/dx = -2x + 500
let dy/dx = 0
0 = -2x + 500
2x = 500
x = 250
y = 500 -250
y = 250
Take second derivative
d2A/dx2 = -2
negative value of d2A/dx2 indicates it hs a maximum
Thus x = 250 unit and y = 250 unit
The area is 250 8 250 = 62500 sq. unit

The maximum area is 62500 sq. unit

Question 2:


d/dt (UVW) = UV (dW/dt) + UW (dV/dt) + VW (dU/dt)
Let U = (t+1)^7
dU/dt = 7(t +1)^6
Let V = (2t+3)^4
dV/dt = 2*4(2t + 3)^3 = 8(2t + 3)^3
Let W = (2t-1)^5
dW/dt = 2*5(2t -1)^4 = 10(2t - 1)^4
dy/dt = (t+1)^7(2t+3)^4 [10(2t - 1)^4] +(t+1)^7(2t-1)^5 [8(2t + 3)^3] + (2t+3)^4(2t-1)^5[7(t +1)^6]

dy/dt = 10(t+1)^7(2t+3)^4 (2t - 1)^4 +8(t+1)^7(2t-1)^5 (2t + 3)^3
+ 7(2t+3)^4(2t-1)^5(t +1)^6

2011-01-20 12:35:02 補充:
Question 2:
Using product rule for 3 terms. Each term is a polynomial function.
y = UVW
where U = (t+1)^7, V = (2t+3)^4, W = (2t-1)^5
Find dU/dt, dV/dt and dW/dt by chain rule
2011-01-20 9:41 pm
2x + 2y = 1000
x + y = 1000
y = 1000 - x

A = xy
= x (1000 - x)
= 1000x - x^2

dA/dx = 1000 - 2x
d2A/dx2 = -2 < 0

When dA/dx = 0,
1000 - 2x = 0
x = 500
y = 1000 - 500
= 500

When x = 500,
A attains its absolute maximum when x = 500
Max area = 500*500 = 250,000 units^2

y = (t+1)^7 (2t+3)^4 (2t-1)^5
dy/dx = (t+1)^7 (2t+3)^4 d[(2t-1)^5]/dt + (t+1)^7 d[(2t+3)^4]/dt (2t-1)^5 + d[(t+1)^7]/dt (2t+3)^4 (2t-1)^5
= (t+1)^7 (2t+3)^4 [5*2*(2t-1)^4] + (t+1)^7 [4*2*(2t+3)^3] (2t-1)^5 + [7(t+1)^6] (2t+3)^4 (2t-1)^5
= 10 (t+1)^7 (2t+3)^4 (2t-1)^4 + 8 (t+1)^7 (2t+3)^3 (2t-1)^5 + 7(t+1)^6 (2t+3)^4 (2t-1)^5

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