What are some discussion topics for synastry?

2011-01-19 7:35 pm
I'm trying to come up with some good discussions about synastry. So far I have:
The ancient origins of synastry and how it works
Karma and desire and how these play into our choice of partners in relationships
Using synastry to your advantage
Why it doesn't work

But what else could be of use?

回答 (1)

2011-01-22 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
For what it's worth, I have some ideas.

- Dealing with communication issues in a relationship (Mercury)
- Fated relationships (markers of a soulmate, twin flame, etc. discussion about those terms)
- Why relations end, even fated ones.
- the synastry of friendship vs. sexual relationships
- the synastry of "enemies"
- the synastry of groups (I have used the Manson family as an example)

If you have a real savy group, you might want to look at the synastry of "victims" vs. "victimizer" in abuse situations.

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