轉做英文咁 寫岩唔岩

2011-01-19 7:50 pm

Dear Ms Wong (A/C Dept)

我的同事已經聯絡咗你公司的user - Ms xxx ,佢話已經將以下的發票pass哂比你公司的會計部,如果你仍未收到以下的發票,請立即通知我, 我會再安排重印

Dear Ms Wong, My Colleague has asked the user - Ms Umi Leung about the below invoice, she said already passed the invoice to A/C Dept. If you still haven’t received the invoice, please kindly let me know.

29/7/10001319112,200.00Net 30 Days8/9/1000133419150.00Net 30 Days10/9/10001335273,006.00Net 30 Days
Thanks & Regard

咁講會唔會好d As our telephone conservation last week, my colleague has asked your company user - Ms Leung about the below invoices has already passed to your A/C Dept. If you still haven't received it, please kindly let me know.


回答者JT, 我所指既唔係我地自己公司, 係人地公司(abc ltd)嘅 a/c Dept無單, 我要自己打電話問佢 (acb ltd) 佢地的user, 佢(acb Ltd 的 user)話 佢已經 pass哂 d單比佢地自己公司的 a/c , 而家係我想問返佢地果 a/c 係咪仲未有單

回答 (3)

2011-01-20 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
我的同事已經聯絡咗你公司的user - Ms xxx ,佢話已經將以下的發票pass哂比你公司的會計部,如果你仍未收到以下的發票,請立即通知我, 我會再安排重印

Dear Ms Wong, My Colleague has contacted Ms Umi Leung about the invoices below. We are told that the said invoices have already been passed to you at A/C Dept. If you have not yet received the said invoices, please kindly let us know.

29/7/10001319112,200.00Net 30 Days8/9/1000133419150.00Net 30 Days10/9/10001335273,006.00Net 30 Days
Thanks & look forward to having your prompt settlement or reply.

Best regards,
When we write company letters, we always use we or us except for my colleague
2011-01-20 8:48 pm


2011-01-19 8:53 pm
Here just a suggestion for you :

Dear Miss Wong,

As per below invoice, my colleague Miss XX already passed it to Miss YY (user) on 2/1/2011, if you haven't receive it, would you please let me know, I'll email it to you directly, thanks a lot.

Best regards,

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 14:13:23
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