Dear Ms Wong (A/C Dept)
我的同事已經聯絡咗你公司的user - Ms xxx ,佢話已經將以下的發票pass哂比你公司的會計部,如果你仍未收到以下的發票,請立即通知我, 我會再安排重印
Dear Ms Wong, My Colleague has asked the user - Ms Umi Leung about the below invoice, she said already passed the invoice to A/C Dept. If you still haven’t received the invoice, please kindly let me know.
29/7/10001319112,200.00Net 30 Days8/9/1000133419150.00Net 30 Days10/9/10001335273,006.00Net 30 Days
Thanks & Regard
咁講會唔會好d As our telephone conservation last week, my colleague has asked your company user - Ms Leung about the below invoices has already passed to your A/C Dept. If you still haven't received it, please kindly let me know.
回答者JT, 我所指既唔係我地自己公司, 係人地公司(abc ltd)嘅 a/c Dept無單, 我要自己打電話問佢 (acb ltd) 佢地的user, 佢(acb Ltd 的 user)話 佢已經 pass哂 d單比佢地自己公司的 a/c , 而家係我想問返佢地果 a/c 係咪仲未有單