What are Sarah Palin's crimes, specifically?

2011-01-17 8:04 pm
This is directed toward those who claim to "hate" Sarah Palin, which we seem to be hearing a lot around here lately. I'm not a fan of Palin, and I sure as heck don't ever want to see her within 100 miles of the White House, but my attitude towards her doesn't come anywhere close to hatred. That's an emotion I typically reserve for child molesters, white supremacists, etc. To witness the level of seething hatred this woman appears to inspire in some... it confuses me. I don't get it.

In fairness to those who harbor such feelings, I prefer to ask rather than assuming anything about their motivations. I hope you'll take this question in that spirit.

So if you hate Sarah Palin, why? Please cite specific qualities or actions that you consider hate-worthy. And if possible, try to name someone else you also hate for the same reasons. (For example, if you hate her because she's stupid, are there other stupid people you hate? Do you hate all stupid people?) Can you name someone who exhibits those qualities, or has committed those actions, who you do not hate?

kowalchuk: Could you expand a bit? What policies of Palin's would you describe as fascist? serenaz: Who else embarrasses you? Do you hate them for it?


justagrandma: "But I think we'd really like it if you gave up on her dreams of being queen." You clearly have me confused with someone else. I think you should re-read my first paragraph where I spell out my opinion of Palin.


ty: Who would you define as "the ignorant and stupid in America"? What is your benchmark for opinions that are "valid" as opposed to those that are not?

回答 (10)

2011-01-17 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
being a great mom/governor
2011-01-18 4:06 am
Her use of gerunds.
2011-01-18 4:07 am
"Her use of gerunds" is about the only valid complaint they got
2011-01-18 5:19 am
She embarrasses me ... !
2011-01-18 4:57 am
According to Yours Truly, her biggest crimes are 1) attempting to persuade ignorant people that their opinions should become federal policy, 2) trumpeting the delusional thought that support for her and the tea partyers is the announcement of the political return an enlightened underprivileged class of people when in fact most of the tea party supporters couldn't tell you who replaced her as governor of Alaska, and 3) being a female and thinking she can survive without the feminist movement....

All crimes fall into the category of Ignorance...

and yes I generally consider myself a Republican, unless she is running for office...
2011-01-18 4:17 am
I hate that she and everyone associated with her are able to convince the ignorant and stupid in America that their opinions are valid.

Other notable morons who fall into this category are Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, and Glenn Beck.

Yes, I do have a certain level is disdain for the willingly ignorant and dim witted.
2011-01-18 4:06 am
She's just a fascist, that's all. Nothing against her, but they tried that in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and it just didn't work out.
2011-01-18 5:01 am
Her 'crime' is being smarter than any liberal and they fear women.
2011-01-18 4:11 am
Disagreeing with her, or thinking she's dumb doesn't make people hate her.
It just makes people shake their heads and wonder at her influence.

The accusations of hate all come from the right who insist she's just fine as a possible candidate for the presidency, and she's a viable leader for the Republican party.
I neither like nor dislike her but I don't think she's a viable candidate, and while I find her cunning about her ability to survive and lead people, she doesn't have the wider range of intelligence to lead a country.
One particularly involved in threading its way out of a mess left by another nice guy without much on the ball.

We don't hate her, want her dead, or wish her harm, at least not more harm than a case of laryngitis.
But I think we'd really like it if you gave up on her dreams of being queen.
2011-01-18 4:17 am
Her 'crimes' are:
Being female and outspoken, but not supporting liberal female 'movements'.
Being a popular govenor without becoming corrupt.
Being successful and having a normal life in spite of the success.

And worst of all.........being a conservative that can really fire up her supporters for conservative candidates.

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