✔ 最佳答案
1) 先生 / 小姐,請問有什麼可以幫到你
Hello Sir/Madam, may I help you?
Hello Sir/Madam, do you need any help?
Hello Sir/Madam, is there anything that I can help you?
2) 如果你想詳細了解產品的資料,你有沒有時間,不如我們稍後安排一個會議待有關同的同事講解給你知。
If you are busy now but would like to have more details about our products, why don't we set up a meeting and our staff will help you.
3) 如果你有興趣的話,不如我們約過時間再詳細介紹其他系列的產品
If you are interested in our products, why don't we set up a time so that we will introduce our company's other products/series.
4) 你想知道那一個系列的產品呢﹖
Which line/series of our company's product that interest you?
5) 對不起,我請另一個同事解答給你知
If you don't mind, may I arrange one of our company's staff to help you?
If you wouldn't mind, may I arrange one of our company's staff to help you?
If you wouldn't mind, may I send you to my colleague to answer your questions?
參考: I live in the US.