AL phy max power 概念問題

2011-01-18 6:20 am
I(R+r) = E

max power dissipated in the external resistor of resistance R is max when R = r

efficiency =
P output / P input
R/(R+r) *100%
我想:當cell 的r = R時,power on R = max
咁efficiency =50%

只要R>>r , efficiency-->100%
by efficiency =
P output / P input
咁理論上可以將所有power dissipate喺個R上

回答 (2)

2011-01-19 5:08 am
The crucial point lies on the current I.
Since power P dissipated on the external resistance R is given by,
P = I^2.(R)
Increasing R will lower the current , but decreasing R will increase the current.(Because I = E/(R + r), where E is the emf of the battery, and r its internal resistance).

Therefore, in order to have maximum power P, I and R should be compromised such that the product (I^2.R) is maximum. This can be shown to occur when R = r

Be aware that the power delivered by the battery when R = r, and when R >> r are not the same. Because power P depends on the square of current, because r is fixed, hence the current when R = r is is larger than the current when R >> r. Thus the power delivered by the battery in the former situation (i.e. R = r) is expected to be larger than that in the latter (R >> r).
You cannot use "efficieny" to compare the power dissipated in the resistance R under different conditions (i.e. power delivered by battery when R=r and R>>r are different).
2011-01-18 7:16 am
你將Max Power Output 和 Efficiency兩個概念混亂了..

Max Porwer Output 是指when R = r時
V = I(R+r)
Output = I^2 R = V^2 R / (R+r)^2

Efficiency = P output / P input

當你R = r 時,Power output可以達到最高...(每秒用到非常多的能量)
但同時,你亦有好多能量浪費左..(有50%用左係internal resistance)

雖然你大部份能量沒有浪費...但你Power Output非常低..(即每秒只有好少能量便用出來)

when r = 50 , V = 100
when R = 50
Power Output = V^2 R /(R+r)^2 = (100^2)(50)/(50+50)^2 = 50W
Efficiency = 50/50+50 = 50%

when R = 500
Power Output = V^2 R /(R+r)^2 = (100^2)(500)/(500+50)^2 = 16.5W
Efficiency = 500/500+50 = 90.9%

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