
2011-01-18 2:07 am
情況1: 1個人讀1科選修, 另外個人讀2或3科選修科, 如果係大學科目中收生要求只係1科選修既情況下,咁讀2科既人入讀會唔會有優勢或優先?

情況2: 只讀一科選修太少嗎?我學校本身要讀3科,但讀數學(M1/M2)既人當第3科選修科,姐係得返2科,咁如果我認為讀2科成績會拖累其中一科(姐係讀2科可能2科都考得50分,讀1科就考到70幾分).咁我讀1科定2科好呢?

回答 (2)

2011-01-31 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me analyze with you the situation as follows:

1) You are right that some university programmes require 1x only.
But please do not forget it is "Minimum" requirement. You must remember attaining minimum requirement does not mean you can enter university.

A simple example is: Now in AL if an Arts student got 5D, basically he/she has lost the chance of entry for no C exists. The results are too flat and even 5D is much higher than min. req. of some degree programme, no Degree offer is given and only Asso offer is given.

2) In HK, taking 2x for 334 ( I do not count M1/M2 ) has been already the lowest among all. If you drop one more, you only take 5 sbjects ( 4 core + 1x ). How can you compete with those taking 8 subjects ( 4 core + 3x + 1 M1/M2 )?

Remember, your only 'x' can hardly reflect what category you are strong and it is hard to match many degree programmes. And if you are the Dept. Head in university, do you think you can rank over those taking 2x/3x if results are similar? Lets stand at their position and consider your scenario.

3) I worry another thing. If you take 2x only and you still plan to drop one, your academic performance must be quite less than satisfactory. If that is the case, you better consider other study paths instead of JUPAS. Why not consider Pre-Asso, VTC, IVY, Open U or other higher diploma offered b different institutes?

I suspect your talent may not be the normal curriculum but some other fields. You better locate your own strengths, and then search relevant courses offered in HK. If you study excellently in these programmes, usually they can match university programmes, both local and overseas. This is another way for you to enter university.

4) I am not hurting you, but 3-3-4 may not be your cup of tea. Talk with your Careers teachers what I share with you today for advice. I am sure a bright future is in front of you.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-01-29 4:24 am
一定會… 除非你好標青, 3X/2X永遠好過1X。

50同70差幾遠呀… 你每日嘔少少時間/早兩日溫書好過啦, 兩科兩科。

2011-01-28 20:24:32 補充:
btw, 334冇ABC, 只有12345 5*5**…

2011-01-28 20:24:40 補充:

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