
2011-01-17 9:31 pm
hkcee 2010 long task 2 "Facebook has changed my life"

Dear Editor,
Now a days,internet development is developing so fast. Meanwhile,the most
influential communicate tools whomore than 500million uses in the world-facebook.It's apperance has changed a lots of people life.it also give me a positive change in my life.
fristly,facebook is immedicate communication tools. you can communicate with your friend wherever or whenever.so I always use facebook to talk with my
classmate and friends.sometime,i will sharing my photo at facebook,let other
people can meet me.Facebook-improve my friendship and meet friends approach.
then.thanks to facebook ,i start to concern society issues.in facebook, people can make a group to evoke other people to concern the problem.it also
can used for against something.for example,the 80's teenager make a group to against for 60 billion to construct high-railway.now i always find the hot issues at facebook and added my feelings on the broad.facebook-let me start to concern my society ,even the world.
At facebook,i am not only communicate with my friends,but also try to talk with foreign people.Hence i must use english to discuss.so,i determine to improve my english.also,the special bonus is my english writing skills has improved rapidly through facebook.what a surprise!
ayway,facebook has changes my life,because of facebook,my life has changed to be more wealth and more meaningful!

Your faithfully,
chris wong

究竟篇文level幾呢? Thanks for help!

回答 (3)

2011-01-17 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得篇文 屬於低 level 。單看篇文的第一句就已經錯漏百出:
Now a days,internet development is developing so fast.
"Nowadays" 是指「現今」,是一個字,不是三個字。 "internet developing" 即是互聯網的發展,所以 "is developing" 的 "developing" 是畫蛇添足。至於"so fast",我覺得用"very fast"比較好。
2011-01-18 3:55 am
咁你呢篇文:d文法就錯好多,有d動詞用錯詞性,同埋組織唔多好,但你既ideas都好正路,,,所以我覺得你有機會拎level 2,,當然要睇返個考官,,但通常level 2好易有,,,
2011-01-18 3:43 am
3.Your faithfully,
chris wong 錯
Yours faithfully, 對
Chris Wong

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