
2011-01-17 6:48 pm
大家好....我想請問一下有關用旅遊簽証B2到美國結婚轉身份問題....我男朋友是美國公民, 我們打算結婚, 想直接用旅遊簽証到美國結婚後轉身份, 因不想申請K1要等6 -9m ths, 又要申請費用, 到美國結婚後亦要俾錢轉身份, 等待時間一樣....

(1) 有無人試過/朋友試過用旅遊簽証B2到美國後, 同美國公民註冊結婚轉身份成功取得綠卡呢?
(2) 見移民官時通常問什麼問題和準備什麼理由呢?(3) 聽說盡量不要到步後即時註冊轉身份, 咁最好幾時呢?
Thanks for the help ~

我本身已經有10年B2 - travel visa.....亦前後去過4次探我男朋友, 以回答者:Chin所講, 請問如用K1(fiancee visa)結婚轉身份和用B2(travel visa)結婚轉身份取綠卡的時間會唔同嗎? 因我男朋友怕麻煩申請K1 visa(e.g. 填form..準備文件...), 所以佢想我直接用travel visa過去結婚, 然後轉身份...(找chinese service agent幫手申請,填form....)....所以想知道有無近期成功例子?.....入境後幾時註冊申請轉身份好?.....見移民官時會問什麼問題和準備什麼理由?.....

回答 (6)

2011-01-20 8:42 pm
1, you may face a problem ----- your B1 visa maybe rejected.

if you get rejected travel visa. then you try the K1 visa again. the immigration will see your case as cheater and put a " red flag " on your case . it means they will look deep in your application and also may be reject it too. ( because you try to cheat and lie to your B1 application )

so, you should really consider before you apply the B1..

2. B1 then marry is for people only have green card, and most time to apply citizenship. ----------- that is called short cut.

3, you can marry the next day, but submit the application later. ( but not more than 3 months after your B1 visa expried.)

4. apply K1 is not differcult, if your relation is real, you should do it in right way. also, the benefit of K1 is you will get your green card very fast. ( within 6 months after you get married.); B1 then file i130, i 168 will takes more than 1 year.

2011-01-30 06:18:30 補充:
ok, you already have visa,it is great ! then you should just go over there and get marry.
after you received the marriage certificate ( by mail in few weeks ), your HB should file the i 130, and i 485, the standard time is 2 years,

2011-01-30 06:20:07 補充:
but during this 2 years, you can able to work ( with tempoery working paper, which renewable every year ).

the shortage is your B1 visa vailded and you can not leave America until you got the green card.

2011-01-30 06:20:45 補充:
so, Ok, let's make it simple, just go and marry him.....^^
參考: live in USA over 30 yrs.
2011-01-19 8:05 am
- This validates the purpose of the B2 visa. If the officer ever found out your intention, they will not let you in for sure. If you don't have a VISA yet, I think K1 will be your best choice as K1 is the regular path for your case.

- Whether if it was allowed to change from B2 to green card. It was allowed, you would need to file I-130 and I-485 form. You can get those forms at http://www.uscis.gov. Did you see I use the word "was". I was transferred from F1 status to Green card. However, the details of US immigration law changes from time to time. I think most of us never paid too much attention after we are done with our own application. I applied before 911 too, and there was a law call 245i, under this law, people can wait to change status even my original status was expired. The law was about to expired when I applied. But I don't know if the government ever renew it. So, you bf may be better to consult with an immigration lawyer to ensure the latest status, and question about the best way for you two.

- In my case, the officer did not ask any question. I was applied some days before 911. The case process was delayed for so long that time. When I went to interview for GC, my son was already 1 years old. With his birth certification, I guess my officer can be sure about my marriage.

- The dis-adv for going with B2 is that you cannot leave USA or you won't be able to enter again. The process time for GC should not be over 1 year for within USA, but US government can delay the apps from time to time.

2011-01-19 4:32 am
rtuitgiuy8utg gfdtsuuifreby6 e rweftgweqritgqertverq rt4wetfwq34qtre4yut567i
2011-01-18 8:56 pm
我也是用B2旅遊簽証到美國洛杉磯﹐ 跟我先生 (美國公民) 結婚然後轉身份 (填 I-485)﹐ 但由於洛杉磯係大城市﹐我坐了兩年移民監才取得綠卡﹐ 比你在HK申請 K 還要久。如果你不是假結婚﹐你根本無須擔心移民官在面試所問的問題。據實回答了就可以﹐由於洛杉磯移民申請眾多﹐ 等候時間比較長﹐所以你最好預備面試的文件 (如結婚證明書﹐銀行聯名戶口月結單﹐報稅表﹐聯名電費/煤氣費單等等) ﹐如果你漏帶﹐這可要麻煩了﹐補回文件後起碼要再等幾個月才發出綠卡。我是世貿事件發生年多前用B2入境四個月後跟我先生結婚的﹐然後立刻辦理轉換身份。但世貿事件後﹐ 我在世貿事件後獲得面試﹐移民官跟我說移民局對持B2簽証入境者居留限制嚴謹了很多 (世貿事件前﹐ 一般持B2入境可以在美國逗留六個月﹐但世貿事件後就得兩三個月﹐ 有些人得一個月)﹐ 如果你要用B2 入境﹐ 然後結婚﹐ 你要在法定居留期內辦妥遞交辦理轉換身份申請﹐ 要不然﹐移民局可以因為你過期居留而拒絕你的申請的。我申請轉換身份時時沒有聘用律師﹐ 因為我自己懂英文。 但我建議你跟律師談談﹐ 因為世貿事件後美國的移民入境政策嚴謹了許多。 希望幫到你。

2011-01-21 04:25:02 補充:
如果你真係擔心, 我建議你應該在HK辦理 K-visa (配偶移民簽証),在HK等幾個月而已﹐
等 K-visa 到手後去美國﹐到捗後再九十日內跟男朋友結婚﹐然後立刻轉身份 (I-485), 這樣做你起碼有準備, 目標明確會結婚 (K-visa). 總好過好過係戰戰兢兢﹐正如我所講,世貿事件後美國真係嚴左好多﹐我的成功例子已經係十年前, 相信今日用B2轉身份會比較難.

2011-01-21 04:25:09 補充:
如果而家你用B2入境﹐在機場的移民官可能會問你很多問題 (因為我有經驗)﹐如果你透露你打算用 B2 入境, 然後在美國跟男朋友結婚﹐大有可能個官唔比你入境把你
遞解出境, 禁o米仲麻煩?

當你申請K-visa時﹐個 interview 會當你係移民申請﹐唔係遊客。因為你要出示良民證(無犯罪記錄證明書)。而旅遊 visa 是不會問你出示良民證的。
參考: My experience
2011-01-18 10:50 am
1. There are success stories all around. However, the issue with B1/B2 is admissibility. CBP can in fact deny your entry based on the fact that you have intention to stay (which K-1 and other similar visa do not have this problem).

2. Just pretend you want to travel to the U.S. The questions will be about the trips (as well as your martial status).

For real, being a single female is a risk for visa approval.

3. 3-6 months after approval.

2011-01-20 16:47:15 補充:
One thing I want to remind that you are the one who taking risk, not your boyfriend. So he does not know what you are facing.
2011-01-18 8:42 am

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