1a.What is the remainder when 5+x^999 is divided by x-1?(我搵左係6)
b.Hence or otherwise, find the remainder when 5+9^999 is divided by 8?
c.Find the remainder of 9^999除8
聯立方程(simultaneous equations)
2.A man bought a certain number of books for $360. If each book had been subject to a discount of $4, he should have had three more for the money. Find the cost of each book.
3.Two taps P and Q can fill a tank in 12 minutes. If tap P alone is turned on for 16 minutes to fill the tank, how long does it take for tape Q alone to fill the tank?
to STEVIE-G™: 我唔係好明1b同c,可唔可以講下點解由a就知道b既答案係6? c係咪用左 f(x)=d(x)乘q(x)+r(x)呢題做? thx!
b我明明地 但c我想知點樣列出黎? 姐係f(x)呀,d(x)呢d應該要代咩? thx!
um,其實我係想講根據呢一題應該代邊d數落邊一度咁解.. 例如話,f(x)係咪5+9^999? d(x)係咪(x-1)咁