partial differentiation3

2011-01-17 2:12 am
Find the normal to the following curve or surfaces:

x^2 + y^2 = a^2 (a circle)

SORRY~~我講漏左...x,y,z are vector~~ so,,i want to find normal vector~!


x,y are vector,,no z

回答 (2)

2011-01-18 4:12 am
Let the point (b,c) be a point on x^2 + y^2 = a^2.

d(x^2 + y^2)/dx = d(a^2)/dx
2x + 2y dy/dx = 0
2y dy/dx = -2x
dy/dx = -2x/2y
= -x/y

Slope of tangent on point (b,c) = -b/c
Slope of normal on point (b,c) = -1 / (-b/c) = c/b

The equation of the normal on (b,c) is given as:
y - c = c/b (x - b)
b (y - c) = c (x - b)
by - bc = cx - bc
by = cx
y = c/b x

Also note that the normal always passes the origin for any points on the circle.
We may just get the equation by y = (slope of normal) x, i.e. y = c/b x

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:22:29
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