
2011-01-17 12:34 am
我近期就有個Oral test

Have you ever listen a story call 'Love is Omnipotent' ?
In a small town, there is a boy call Klaus, he is nineteen years old,
his family is rich, his father is a conservative men, he always want Klaus become his successor, but Klaus don't want to be. He always argue with his father on this problem. Lucky Klaus has a kind mother, she loves Klaus very much.

The other side, there is a girl call Jane, she is eighteen years old, her family is poor but she is hardworking and smart even her family is poor. She has a bad father that he always use all the money to gamble. Fortunately, her mother give support to Jane every time.

Actually, Klaus and Jane is a lover, but their father both oppose they begin to love, but they believe that their romance is omnipotent. They think that they can penetrated their father on day, so that they embolden to tell everything to their father. Unfortunately, their father both have a same reaction, resolutely say no and very angry. Tn no selectively, Klaus and Jane decided to runaway to start their new live without the disaster, thats their father, but their mother feels corny and sad, so that Klaus and Jane decided to take their mother to leave together. After they leave, they hold a wedding in a garden, they invited many friends to their wedding, and they are both happy, because Klaus and Jane can be together eventually! Above all, the mainly is they do not need to see their crazy father at all!

[email protected] M/13

回答 (2)

2011-01-17 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have you ever listened to a story which is called 'Love is Omnipotent’?

In a small town, there is a boy call Klaus, he is nineteen years old.

His family is rich. His father is a conservative man, he always wants Klaus becoming his successor, but Klaus aren’t willing to do so. He always argues with his father on this problem. Luckily, Klaus has a kind mother, she loves Klaus very much.

On parallel, there is a girl called Jane, she is eighteen years old. Her family is poor but she is hardworking and smart. She has an inconsiderate father who frequently uses all his money for gambling. On contrast, her mother supports her every if she encounter any difficulties.

Klaus and Jane fall in love with eachother, although both of their fathers oppose them to get together. However, they believe that their lives are unique. Also, they think they are omnipotent in which no one can stop their “romantic story” to continue. They think that they can penetrate their fathers., Hence, they embolden to tell everything to their fathers. Unfortunately, they have the same reaction. They strictly say no and act like very angry. They have no choice. Klaus and Jane decide to escape and start their new lives without any “disastrous” disturbance.Nevertheless, their mother feels corny and sad, so Klaus and Jane decide to take their mother to leave together. After that, they hold a wedding in a garden, they invite many friends to join their wedding, and they are pleasant too! Klaus and Jane can live together forever eventually! They feel excited because they will never ever meet their crazy fathers in the future. Note1: Please use either present tense or past tense throughout the whole passage. Be consistent. Note 2: Please write in simple form of sentence. Your sentences are too clumsy and way too complex that there are a lot of grammatical errors occurring.

2011-01-16 20:51:48 補充:
男定女? 幾年級? 有無MSN? ^_^
2011-01-23 2:56 pm
Have you ever heard of a story called 'Love is Omnipotent' ?
In a small town, there was a boy called Klaus, he was nineteen years old,
his family is rich, his father is a conservative man, he always wanted Klaus to become his successor, but Klaus didn't want to. He always argued with his father on this problem. Luckily Klaus had a kind mother, she loved Klaus very much.

On the other side, there was a girl called Jane, she was eighteen years old, her family was poor but she was hard working and smart even her family was poor. She had a worse father that he always used all the money to gamble. Luckily, her mother gave support to / encouraged Jane.

Actually, Klaus and Jane were a couple/ lovers, but both of their father disagreed them to begin love, but they believed that their love is omnipotent. They thought that they can penetrate their father on day, so that they embolden to tell everything to their father. Unfortunately, both of their father reacted the same, he said no and was very angry. Tn no selectively, Klaus and Jane decided to runaway to start their new live without the disaster, that's their father, but their mother felt corny and sad, so that Klaus and Jane decided to take their mother to leave together. After they left, they held a wedding in a garden, they invited many friends to their wedding, and they were both happy, because Klaus and Jane can be together eventually! Above all, the main thing is, they will not see their crazy father anymore!

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 03:53:53
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