
2011-01-16 6:45 pm
Jimmy is a naughty boy.He is(be) in a department store now.He is looking at a big kite on the wall.

Jimmy is a naughty boy.He is(be) in a department store now.He looking at a big kite on the wall.


第1岩,因為你既sentence是現在式!要 is/am/are+verb-ing


我問錯問題.......我是想問passive voice點用?要有咩結構先得?要答得簡單易明!

回答 (3)

2011-01-16 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Jimmy is a naughty boy.He is(be) in a department store now.He is looking at a big kite on the wall. = correct as it is now = present tense

Jimmy is a naughty boy.He is(be) in a department store now and looking at a big kite on the wall
= correct after joining the two sentence with an AND.= present tense

Passive voice.- see following examples please.
He is looking at a big kite on the wall. Active Voice in present continuous tense

A big kit on the wall is being looked by him. = Passive voice in present contiuous tense.
2011-01-16 8:38 pm
Passive Voice 係『被動』吧


Active Voiice : Jimmy is looking at a big kite on the wall.

Passive Voice : The big kite on the wall is being looked by Jimmy
以上2句都係用左 Present Continuous Tense

Passive voice 既結構係 be + past participle
(ie: see/saw/seen , seen就係past paticiple)

用passive voice時要根據tense改變:
Present tense : is/am/are + pp (past participle)
eg. The car is washed everyday.

Present perfect tense : has/have been+pp
eg. The car has been washed by Amy an hour ago.

Present Continuous Tense : is/am/are being +pp
eg. The car is being washed by Amy now.

Past tense : was/were + pp
eg. The car was washed yesterday.

Past Perfect Tense : had been +pp
eg. The car had been washed one week before you went to Japan.

Future Tense : will be +pp
eg. The car will be washed after you go to work.

Past Continuous tense : was/were being+pp
eg. The car was being washed when John arrived.
參考: 就是這樣,希望幫到你
2011-01-16 8:35 pm
Sentence 1 is right because you can write "looking" solely. You should
write together with verb-to-be to form present continuous tense.

Passive voice is used to emphasise the relationship between
a subject and an object.

Sentece structures as follows:

1. present tense

is/am/are + past participle

2. present continuous tense

is/am/are + being + past participle

3. present perfect

has / have + been + past participle

4. past tense

was/were + past participle

5. past continuous tense

was/were + being + past participle

6. past perfect

had + been + past participle

7. future tense
will + be + past participle

Elements that you need to form passive voice: verb-to-be + participle.
Hope you find it useful.

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