
2011-01-16 11:52 am

我的電腦用的是Win xp sp3. 昨晚用anti-virus (Comondo Internet Security) scan 電腦時發覺:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsetup.exe 和 C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\netsetup.exe 都中了malware. 但一不小心按錯了"Disinfect", 然後把這兩個file 刪除了.

之後系統隨即彈出alert 訊息, 表明window 缺少了檔案, 要我入service pack 3的碟去安裝. 因我沒有sp3的碟(只有xp碟), 唯有上microsoft 網站download, 但安裝時因我電腦本來已有sp3, 所以它表明沒法安裝.

出事至今我的電腦未關過亦未重新開機, 現時暫時是可以運作的, 但我怕欠缺了這兩個files, 會影響到boot 機. 有沒有人知道如何解決?????

回答 (2)

2011-01-16 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Go to this site. Read up on the description then click to download the repair tool in step 1.

Good luck.

2011-01-16 08:00:06 補充:
Open your control panel, locate SP3 under Windows XP service pack 3 at bottom of list. Click on it then click remove. Now download XP SP3 and reinstall it.

Hint: save SP3 in another partition or external disk after download to save download time and charges.

2011-01-18 17:49:04 補充:
Try to roll back to a Restore Point prior to deleting those files. Your PC will be rolled back to the way it was (brings back the malware and deletes all programs installed after that date) for you to redo the remedies again.

2011-01-18 17:50:16 補充:
Just be careful not to repeat the same fault again. Good luck.
參考: Help from the net, My PC know how

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