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who 同 whom 的分別 ......
在講代名詞who, whom兩字分別之前,先要說:
whom 字古舊,已不常見於日常對話和較 informal 的文體,所以寫作時不必勉強用它(但 for whom,with whom,all of whom 等關係子句句式則作別論)。例子:
1. By whom it was founded?
2. For whom did respondent vote in presidential election?
3. He wants to marry a girl with whom he had a relationship.
who 和 whom 的分別,跟 he 和 him 的分別沒有兩樣。也就是說:
who 和 he 都是作subject時用;whom 和 him 都是作 object 時用。
I love him.
我們用 him,是因為「他」是句子中的 object(受詞);
相反,如果「他」是句中 subject(主詞),則要用 he:例子
He loves me. 疑問代名詞who, whom疑問代名詞問句的形成,是將疑問代名詞取代肯定句的主詞或受詞,主詞補語。以形成疑問句。所以疑問代名詞的問句句型可以分為疑問詞當主詞、受詞或名詞補語這三種。」 肯定句Yes/ No問句疑問代名詞Information 問句 主詞He is your brother.Is he your brother?who代替heWho is your brother?主詞補語He is Ken.Is he Ken?Who
代替KenWho is he?受詞You like Ken.Do you like Ken?who(whom)
代替KenWho do you like?= Whom do you like?