
2011-01-14 11:27 pm
我writing要150字..題目是Suggest 1 leisure activity you would like to do with your friends..我要點write?

回答 (2)

2011-01-18 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Suggest 1 leisure activity you would like to do with your friends..

I like outdoor leisure activities and I like hiking most.
Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking trails. It is such a popular activity that there are numerous hiking organizations worldwide. The health benefits of different types of hiking have been confirmed in studies.
Hiking is one of the fundamental outdoor activities on which many others are based. Many beautiful places can only be reached overland by hiking, and enthusiasts regard hiking as the best way to see nature. Hikers see it as better than a tour in a vehicle of any kind (or on an animal; see horseback riding) because the hiker's senses are not intruded upon by distractions such as windows, engine noise, airborne dust and fellow passengers. Hiking over long distances or over difficult terrain requires both the physical ability to do the hike and the knowledge of the route and its pitfalls.
2011-01-16 8:07 am



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