What are your hobbies

2011-01-14 6:19 pm
1. In our society today there are many poor people. What can you do to help them?
2. What are your hobbies?
3. Who is your best friend? Why?
4. What do you do after school?
5. What is your favourite book? Why?
6. Who is your favourite writer? Why?


回答 (2)

2011-01-17 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Indeed, there are good many people who are living in a lower standard. In order to help them, I think the government is acting an irreplaceable character. Government can impose extra working opportunities and that they can earn money by themselves, thus living standard improves. Most notably, they will not lead up to on the unemployment benefits merely but attempt to earn money by themselves.

2. My hobby is badminton. Although I don’t play it well, I have a great interest in it. I deem I can derive acquaintanceship and communication skill from playing badmintons with different people. Hence it is also my favorite hobby.

3. My best friend is named Tom, 14-year-old. He has convergent hobby with me---badminton. We share skills and practice together. At first, I don’t like him being so rude, but gradually I come to terms with him, thus generating a good friendship.

4. After school, I have various kinds of extracurricular activities, for instance, badminton. Albeit intense, intensive trainings make me spent, I still think it is worthy, as I come by many friends and badminton skills from the course.

5. My favorite book is Harry Potter. I like him because of its fascinating and thrilling plot. The trio showed many virtues, that nowadays children are absent, for example, courtesy and courage. Thus, I like this book very much.

6. Certainly, J k Rowling is my favorite writer. She is the author of the chronicles of Harry Potter. I adore her as she used different arduous writing skills and vocabulary in her books. Any details of environment, she can explain them unequivocally and succinctly. The scene is just like showing in front of me.

2011-01-14 9:20 pm



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