Hokkaido Trip help

2011-01-13 8:20 pm

I will be going to Hokkaido during Mid Feb or Start of March for 6 days

I want to know is it safe to drive during that time? and any good car rental places?

I will be staying 3days at Niseko Hilton then 3 days at sapporo JR tower. Are these good hotels? easy to get to? and can any1 help me with the 6days palnning?

I want to go to hakodate and Otaru by driving in one day. is it enough?

any other places i should visit?

Thanks for help!

回答 (2)

2011-01-14 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. March is the early Spring n Hokkaido, there will be no more snowing in
most regions (however it still depends on the weather condition)
2. Hertz (Toyota) is recommeded, the largest car rental company in Japan.
3. Whether is it safe ? It all depends on your driving attitude : no speedng,
no drinking drive..........
4. Niseko Hilton and Nikko JR Tower are both 5-star hotels in Sapporo.
5. Nikko Hotel JR Tower is just within the same building of JR Tower,
the JR Sapporo Station North is through underground, no need to go
outside, easy access.
6. You can go to Otaru within one day (40 mins driiving) but you cannot
drivie to & fro Hakodate within one day as a sigle journey will take you
5 hour in driving (not all the roads are 道央道).
7. Other suggestions in Hokkaido : Lake Toya (洞爺湖),Noboribetsu
(登別),Jyozankei (定山溪),Asahikawa (旭川),Biei & Furano
(美瑛,富良野),Kushiro & Akkeshi (釧路,厚岸),Lake Akan
(阿寒湖)。If you miss these places, you cannot say that you have been
to Hokkaido (北海道) to others.

Have a nice trip !


2011-01-16 06:19:09 補充:
In March, as the Spring comes,there are still snow remain in the mountain top (apex) or in some country side. However snowing (降雪)would be rare。
2011-01-14 7:19 pm



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