Should I quit high school soccer?

2011-01-13 2:10 am
So i have played 6 seasons of soccer and i used to looove it.
I told myself i would play this year for sure but today i got a form for soccer and i looked at the schedule and it made me like sad.
this season i dreaded going to soccer practice.
Idk why but just recently I havent really been into soccer that much. Should i try it out or just quit if I know i wont like it. I also have to stay at the school til like 5:30. Gross lol
If i did quit, i would want to try something else instead. but what should i try out?

回答 (6)

2011-01-13 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
don't do it if you don't want to but the problem is if you do quit will u go like omg what did i just do will u regret it? u have to think about that too try to play a couple more games and if ur still not intrested then u have got ur answer.
2011-01-13 2:28 am
Well I love soccer! But if you've started loosing interest than I really don't see the point. You shouldn't force yourself to do something when you know you will dread each day of it. Also if you go to practices or games not excited or ready than that would end up hurting your team and if you quit half way through the season that could also hurt your team.

If you don't play soccer though I would defenitly recommend picking up another hobby. You could play another sport like volleyball, softball, basketball, or maybe track or cross country. Or you could move away from sports and join a club based on your interests like art or maybe books. Also maybe you could join your student council.

Whatever you end up doing I hope you have fun!
2011-01-13 2:14 am
soccer is awesome!
2011-01-13 2:13 am
If your not into it no point in trying to force yourself into liking it. Just try a club or a different sport like volleyball. Only you can decide what to do next.
2016-04-26 10:51 am
tell me about it, my soccer teams had crummy teacher coaches as well and we lost every game of the season!! I'm really good at soccer but the team just stank because of bad coaching. If you are really annoyed by this, perhaps ask you school's head of sports or someone in a higher role because i'm sure that they'd like for you to win a bit for the school's image. Your teacher obviously doesn't know much about soccer so you could even give him a few tips.
2011-01-14 9:26 pm
i've been playing soccer for about 6-7 years , but there was a period of time i felt like i didn't want to play any more. However, i am still playing today.

so i think you should try to get the feeling back, but if you can't. then you can quit and try something else.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:40:59
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