why USA sucks to much in soccer?

2011-01-11 8:54 pm
you know usa had ever been the sports and competitive nation, but we don't realize that the soccer is the reconized world sport, is the most important sport and most famous, but weeeee just suck *** we ever lose, we never win cups, why people?

回答 (12)

2011-01-12 12:54 am
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America don't really paid much attention to soccer, that's why
2011-01-11 9:14 pm
Im from England and we look at you as 1 of the up and coming countries in football. You got a good draw against us in the world cup and with a few more big tournament's under your belt you will get better as a side. You just haven't lived with "soccer" like we have, its everything to the english public.
At least you don't attend every tournament in the hope and belief that you will win it like we always do and FAIL.
2011-01-12 6:42 am
Money would be the big issue. There is not the money in football that there is in the other mainstream American sports.

To the first answerer. You didn't invent baseball or your football. Baseball is based on the old English game of rounders and American football is based on rugby.
2011-01-11 10:04 pm
@ Chuff

Speaking of grammar: The US is singular, therefore, it should be 'its', not 'their.'
2011-01-11 9:41 pm
Probably for the same reason your grasp of grammar and sentence structure is so bad. The US focuses their resources elsewhere.

The top athletes in the US tend to play basketball or American football growing up. Those sports, when young, do not require players to be really good at them. If you're athletic then you can find a place on a football, basketball, or baseball team. Only those that have skills at a young age, love the game, and aren't pulled into one of the other sports while they are developing end up playing soccer as an adult. As a result, the majority of the top athletes do not step on the soccer pitch in their prime.
2011-01-12 4:44 am
What are you talking about? USA is currently ranked 18th in the world. That is a pretty good ranking for someone who apparently "sucks ***". Maybe for a such a large country to be ranked low is what makes you think they are not that good. I must agree that being the 3rd largest country in the world, you would think they would be ranked higher. In America, it is the sad truth that soccer isn't respected as much as other sports native to America such as baseball, American football, and basketball. (At least I think they're American.) That means a lot of potential athletes will be going to a more respected sport. Soccer is an ever-growing sport in American and maybe one day USA will be competing with Espana, Brasil, the Nederlands, and the rest of the top ranking teams.
2011-01-12 5:25 am
Have faith in the US! The sport is fairly new compared to other ones that have been in our country. It's human nature to think something is weird and wrong when they see something they aren't used to. So, when the US was introduced to the sport everyone knocked it and didn't get into it. Only a select few did. These few athletes paved the way for our country to see that soccer aka football is a wonderful sport. The popularity is growing tremendously, the last world cup had the largest viewing by far, and it will only get better. Once more people are exposed to it and aren't ashamed to play it, it will be another sport that the US will own in. Then other countries will feel stupid for mocking the US after all these years. Then again, our respect has gone up a lot which I think is very nice as well.
2011-01-11 10:01 pm
maybe your club teams suck , but your national team isnt bad , it could do better though as you have a massive country and should be able to pick a squad out of all those players that can more than compete on the world stage
2011-01-11 9:14 pm
USA is not terrible as soccer, it just is not what the majority of American people are interested in. That simple. They dont have a true passion for it so they are not as aggressive as other countries.
2011-01-11 9:09 pm
I don't think we suck at it. If we sucked so bad then we wouldn't even have been able to compete in the World Cup.
2011-01-11 8:55 pm
To be honest. The US doesn't care about soccer. That's why we invented Basketball, Baseball, and MOST IMPORTANTLY Football
2011-01-11 9:29 pm
i dunno they just do

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