
2011-01-12 7:34 am
我會係黎緊的一年到usa做exchange student
食宿都會由host family提供
如果呢個情況下10個月既生活費大約幾$ HHKD?


thank you!:)

Gary : Is that USD$1,000-3,000 for 10 months?


Chin : thanks for your answer,it helps a lot!:) i want to ask more as daily school meal and book are also included how much do i need? i need to know how much should i save in coming few months. and what's MISC fee?

回答 (6)

2011-01-15 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
since all your tution, health insurance, boading already been take care of. now all you need is daily school meal, transportation cost, books and MISC fee, personal stuff.... etc.

for 1 person live in little town, i will say $500 to $800 USD a month is good.
i will suggest you open a bank checking account once you arrived. then your HK family can e wire you money anytime you need it. bring a credit with you just incase of emegrizenc.

remember you will live with a host family, make sure sometime you willing to pay for a lunch for them, buy them little gift in their B day....etc. American people are very easy to ' buy ' the friendship...^^
參考: live in US over 30 yrs.
2011-01-23 6:57 pm
what's MISC fee?
MISC fee = Miscellaneous Fee (即雜費)
2011-01-13 5:45 am
When I was an exchange student I thought I do not need to worry about meal and boarding. However, I found out I will need to pay for my lunch at school because the host family and the International student Coordinator(IEC) said lunch is not included, but it is still okay because it does not cost too much (probably around $3-$5 per meal).

And also if you wish to have some fun with your friends or hang out around the town, you may also find out that your host family may not be able to provide you an transportation, and it costs you money too!
2011-01-12 5:06 pm


2011-01-12 9:43 am
In case, it should be none technically (as the host family will arrange everything for you).

But if you want to bring some money to be just in case, about USD$1,000-3,000 should be fine.

2011-01-12 02:33:36 補充:
Yes (as you don't really need money - it is just for you just in case).
2011-01-12 8:00 am

2009年國家經濟形勢持續低迷,留學費用始終是出國留學人員關注的焦點,本文就美國留學花費(報考學費和生活費)給廣大考生以參考。 目前,全國乃至全世界想到美國留學的人很多很多。在過去的十多年中,美國留學費用也在不斷上升。許多大學一年的留學費用已超過3萬美元,一些名校的收費更加昂貴,常常使眾多申請就讀甚至已獲得錄取的學生只能望門興歎。也正因為這樣,美國對於沒有獲得獎學金的美國留學生經濟條件要求極嚴,須提供100萬元人民幣擔保才行。   美國的大學收費標準差別比較大,每個州除了有私立大學外也有很多公立大學,其中也有不少名牌。而如果在收費和當地生活水平比較高的一些大教學就讀,4年的全部費用有可能會達到20-30萬美元,況且美國大學的費用還在年年增加和提高。有些公立大學為了吸引本州的學生還會有另外的優惠政策。   近些年來,國內還有一些家庭把孩子送到美國讀中學。美國的中小學是普及教育,不收任何費用。如果他們的父母已經來到了美國,並有合法的居住權利和身份,孩子自然可以享受這份待遇,享受免費教育。   在美國,教育上的花費名目繁多。因此留學美國的花費是需要留學生瞭解和把握的。在1998/1999學年中,在校園中讀四年大學的美國公民一學年9個月中平均花費在$10'000到$22'200不等,而外籍學生的費用更高。   學費:美國公立大學的收費一般低於私立大學。普通私立大學本科課程每年的學費約為1.7萬-2.4萬美元,名牌私立大學則超過3萬美元;公立大學每年學費約為0.9萬-1.4萬美元。   如果就讀研究生課程,法學、醫學、商學和工科專業,私立大學每年的學費約為2.2萬-2.9萬美元,公立大學約為1.3萬-2萬美元;社會科學類專業,私立大學約為1.8萬-2.5萬美元,公立大學約為1.1萬-1.8萬美元;文科類專業,私立大學約為1.7萬-2.4萬美元,公立大學約為0.9萬-1.4萬美元。   生活費:每年約合台幣40萬元至50萬元。住宿費是“大頭”部分,住校的開銷為每年3000-7500美元,在外租房約為3600-7200美元;書本費為每年500-1000美元;伙食費約為每年2500美元;健康保險費用為每年300-500美元;此外,還有旅行費、交通費等。 美國大學學費是以一個學年計算,約從每年9月到來年5月,共9個月;有些大學還提供暑期課程(6月-8月)。大多數大學學費是統一的,有一些則根據學時收費。每個學校對外籍學生的收費有所不同。

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