eng grammer

2011-01-12 12:28 am
1 ) She looks pale in the photo.
點解要用looks? in the photo五系要用present conti..tense咩?

2) At present, I am taking a train from Toronto to Montreal.It takes me more than five hours to arrive in Montreal.
可五可以解釋下點解用it takes 而五系用 it is taking ?

3)Life is getting much more exciting with an outdoor adventure.
可五可以解釋下點解用is getting ?

4) He wrote the charity single ...... to aid the poor in the USA and africa.

thz all :)

回答 (3)

2011-01-12 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 ) She looks pale in the photo.
點解要用looks? in the photo五系要用present conti..tense咩?

唔係好明你點解認為in the photo要用present continuous tense?可能你以為「正在看著一張相」咁解,但是look pale (唔好理邊種tense先)是指個人面青青,唔係表達睇相這個動作,而是描寫相中人的狀況,因此這個狀況並不是進行式,而是已經是事實(影相時至相中給人看見都不會變),所以用的是所謂「永恆不變」的現在式。因此當描寫這個是她she時,便用第三身單數的present tense, look+s.

2) At present, I am taking a train from Toronto to Montreal.It takes me more than five hours to arrive in Montreal.
可五可以解釋下點解用it takes 而五系用 it is taking ?

這條的答案類似上一條,你是描寫那/這程火車所用的時間,動詞「用」並不時進行中的,因為如果是進行中你又如何知要用多久呢。這亦不是表達已過去的(當你已到達Montreal)這句是表達我正在坐這火車,根據火車行程的「資料」是要超過五小時的。這行程的五小時是一項「永恆不變」的真理,所以用「永恆不變」的present tense來描寫這程由Toronto去Montreal的情況。
因此同一段落可以頭句是present continuous tense表示當時正在乘火車,亦同時描述這火車行的「事實」是present tense需要超過五小時。

3)Life is getting much more exciting with an outdoor adventure.
可五可以解釋下點解用is getting ?

這句普遍地是表達你當下對人生的看法,由於你會想表達你人生取向是「進行中」或「向前看」而不是已經蓋棺論定的不會變的真理,所以當你描寫或論及一些「活」的情況時,可以用present continous來形容一種狀態,而不一定是present tense的。當然這句的內容本身用Life is much more exciting...是一樣講得通的,只是意思上沒有活現動感你對人生的取向,而只是一項客觀意見/見解。所以你想表達的意思是可以由動詞的時式來變化。

4) He wrote the charity single ...... to aid the poor in the USA and africa.

用wrote(past tense)是因為寫這首歌是過去的事。習慣性地寫作出版和寫音樂都會用past tense來表達,因為當你聽一首歌或讀一本書時,「寫作」/「創作」的動作已經是過去的事。

可能你唔知乜叫charity "single",single是指單一首歌的唱片/cd,香港/華語的出品比較少的,外國歌手唱片公司多數會錄一首歌的版本試試那歌手的市場,到有三四首single hits(流行)時才出一些所謂「大碟」,即寫錄十多首歌的版本。這首charity "single"便是為那次為美國和非洲貧窮慈善籌款而寫的「一首歌」。「寫」這個動詞在演出這首歌時已是過去動作,相對而言「唱」這首歌是現在式。
2011-01-12 6:27 am
I think Jenkin's opinion is more appropriate up to this time. Ace of Spades made tons of grammatical errors both in his opinion and explaination.
2011-01-12 1:04 am
1 ) She looks pale in the photo.
A photo is a freeze of time for whoever that's captured in the photograph. In other words, she'll always looks pale in the photo. A real life human being can be looking pale but not a person in the photograph b'coz looking is a on going thing that only living things can do.

2) At present, I am taking a train from Toronto to Montreal. It takes me more than five hours to arrive in Montreal.
"It takes" says that you're still on the train now to Montreal.
" it is taking" is not necessary since you've already said that you're on the train now in your first sentence.

3) Life is getting much more exciting with an outdoor adventure.
"is getting" here describes life is continuing....... to be more and more exciting.

4) He wrote the charity single ...... to aid the poor in the USA and africa.
wrote is the past tense of write, so he must have written a cheque or .........something in the past.

You're welcome.

2011-01-12 02:54:35 補充:
yoo hoo.. ahhh... somebody by the name of pun*** is asking the question not me.

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