
2011-01-11 7:25 pm
發生交通意外, 被對方車輛撞到本人車輛, 損毁輕微, 對方自賠贘o 本人收錢後要寫一封信說明本人收了對方賠贘大家自願和解, 各不追究o 但對方是外國人, 而英文版和解信如何寫? 謝谢o


回答 (1)

2011-01-11 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To whom it may concerned

Dear Sir,

We (Mr. XX & my full name) have settled the compensation of being scraped on my car (car no.) by Mr. XX for the date of 25th Dec., 2010, we have arranged reconciliation out of court and I will not request for any further claims.Thank you for your best attention.Yours faithfully,

2011-01-12 12:08:51 補充:
Due to the mistake caused by Mr. XX (car no.), it scraped on my car (car no.) on 25th Dec.2010. After our negotiation, we (Mr. XX & my name) have settled the compensation of HK$XX by Mr. XX , we arranged reconciliation out of court and I will not request for any further claims.

2011-01-12 12:10:45 補充:
I just suggest you some idea, you can also ask for yr friend's assist.
參考: me

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