1) On April 8, 2006, Brighton purchased a machine for $400000. The estimated life of the machine was 10 years, with an estimated residual value of $80000. The service life in terms of output is estimated at 40000 hours of operation.
Use stright line to calculate depreciation (with half year-convention)
2006: ($400000-$80000) X 1/10 X 1/2
2007: ($400000-$80000) X 1/10
點解2006 要x 1/2 ? 佢2006 年4月先買, 應該係計8個月, 唔係半年wor! 係咪因為half year convention, 所以only 可以當0.5 year,1year,1.5 years,2 years 咁計?