What match are you looking forward to at the Royal Rumble?

2011-01-11 1:51 am
Im really excited for the Edge v. Ziggler match for the WHC.
But, then im realllly excited for the Rumble. =)

回答 (12)

2011-01-11 1:55 am
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I always love watching the Royal Rumble to see the Royal Rumble. I love the concept of the match, the surprising returns, awesome hype, unpredictable entrants. You never know who's going to come in after 90 seconds are up. Seeing all these wrestlers in the ring really excites me. I never really like any of the other matches at the Royal Rumble other than the Rumble itself. Although Edge vs Dolph Ziggler does have the potential to be a good match.
2011-01-11 2:23 am
Just the 30 man battle royal. I have realized over the years that other matches at the Rumble never seem to be that good because more time and focus is spent on the battle royal. The battle royal is always, always, always the highlight of the Royal Rumble, and it'll be the same this year.
Edge Vs Ziggler will be good I think because they have a lot in common and it's cool that Ziggler is getting a chance. He won't win, but nevertheless.
2011-01-11 1:59 am
The Rumble itself.
2011-01-11 2:05 am
rumble match whr hhh will return but i think tht kane might win
2011-01-11 2:00 am
that will be good! :)
Yes raws on!
and the royal rumble match itself :)
2011-01-11 1:58 am
the one match im waiting for is The Royal Rumble
2011-01-11 1:54 am
so far all of them but i really wanna c if ziggler will become the new whc ... i hope he does!
2011-01-11 1:54 am
I would like to see HHH returns. and also i miss Batista
2011-01-11 1:53 am
The Royal Rumble Match where hopefully Christian will win.
2011-01-11 1:52 am
The Rumble where HOPEFULLY Chris Jericho comes back... but I highly doubt it...

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