If your could marry one WWE diva, who would it be?

2011-01-11 1:48 am
For me it would be Torrie Wilson.

@ B D, it's the Bella Twins... LOL

回答 (15)

2011-01-11 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Past: Trish Stratus.
Present: Kelly Kelly.
2011-01-11 9:50 am
If we are talking all time, Trish Stratus.

Currently, Eve.

If only I was an adult lol.
2011-01-11 9:50 am
2011-01-11 10:06 am
If you could marry one WWE SuperStar, who would it be?
Randy Ortonnnnnn!
2011-01-11 9:56 am
all of them are gorgeous, i'd like pick Maryse as the hottest diva in the WWE
2011-01-11 10:11 am
Trist stratus
2011-01-11 9:55 am
2011-01-11 10:01 am
2011-01-11 10:00 am
2011-01-11 9:56 am
Sunny always had the hots fir her and she looked good last time she was out

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