1,Given the acceleration due to gravity on Moon surface is 1.622 ms-2.
A stone is thrown upwards from the groud with an initial volocity of 20 ms-1
find the average velocity of the stone for the upward journey.
2. Given the acceleration due to gravity on Mercury surface is 3,7 ms-2 A stone is thrown upwards from the ground and reaches a height of 40 m
find the time needed for the stone back the ground.
3. Given the acceleration due to gravity on Mercury surface 3.7 ms-2 A stone released of 100m find the average veloctiy of the stone for the upward journey.
4. Given the acceleration due to gravity on Earth Surface is 10ms-2. A stone is thrown upwards from the ground and reaches a height of 40m
a) find the inital velocity of the stone
b) find the time needed fro the stone to reached the highest postion
c) find the velocity of the stone just before it hits the ground
d) find the time needed for the stone to back to the ground
e) find the average velocity of the stone for i) the upward jouney ii) the whole journey.
f) find the average acceleration of the stone for 1) the upward journey ii) the whole journey.