
2011-01-10 3:15 am
1)喂, 你撞到我呀~~!2)佢未覆電話呀, 因為我未搵到佢!3)你坐坐先4)一搵到佢就叫打俾你5)揀幾個適合的supplier嚟星期二開會

回答 (3)

2011-01-10 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Hey, you bumped into me!
2. He/She hasn't replied the phone because I haven't found him/her.
3. You may have a seat first.
4. Once I find him, I will call you.
5. Choose some suitable suppliers to join the conference on Tuesday.
2011-01-10 6:55 am


2011-01-10 4:24 am
1.Feeds, you hit my

2.He(She) has not replied the telephone(phone), because of me cannot find him (her)!/ He(She)has not replied the telephone(phone) , so I cannot find him(her) !

3.You can sit first.

4.When i find him(her) , I will tell him(her) to call you immediately .

5.I will find some suitable supplier to come to the meeting on tuesday .
參考: myself

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