Idioms on workplace

2011-01-09 8:14 pm
What is the meaning of....
1.A blank cheque?
2.Blue chip company?
3.Roll up ypur sleeves?
4.A cash cow?
5.Cog in the machine?
6.Make cold calls?
7.Dog eat dog?
8.Donkey work?
9.Down the drain?
10.Pay lip service?

回答 (3)

2011-01-09 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.A blank cheque?
--as much money to spend as is wanted or needed
2.Blue chip company?
--Used in the context of general equities. Large and creditworthy company. Company renowned for the quality and wide acceptance of its products or services, and for its ability to make money and pay dividends. Gilt-edged security.
3.Roll up ypur sleeves?
--to prepare for hard work
4.A cash cow?
--a business or a part of a business that always makes a lot of profit
5.Cog in the machine?
--one part of a large system or organization.
6.Make cold calls?
--to visit or telephone a potential but unknown customer from a list of people
7.Dog eat dog?
--people will do anything to be successful, even if what they do harms other people
8.Donkey work?
--hard, boring work
9.Down the drain?
--if work or money goes down the drain, it is wasted
10.Pay lip service?
--to express loyalty, respect, or support for something insincerely.
2011-01-09 9:40 pm

2011-01-09 9:03 pm
1.a blank cheque n. 空白支票例句:The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit. 為了能按照她認為合適的方法去整頓這一部門,經理授予她自由行動的權力。The architect was given/presented with a blank cheque to design a new city centre. 設計師被授予全權設計一個新的城市中心區。
2.Blue chip company 藍籌公司A large, credit-worthy company known for the quality and wide acceptance of its products or services and its ability to make money and often pay dividends. Blue chip shares refer to stocks in these companies.

3.Roll up your sleeves捲起你的袖子
Etymology: based on the idea that people often literally roll up their sleeves before doing difficult physical work

4.A cash cow

5.a Cog in the machine無關緊要的部分無足輕重的人one part of a large system or organization He was just a small cog in the large wheel of organised crime. This warehouse is an important cog in our distribution machine.

6.Make cold calls

7.Dog eat dog
自相殘殺; 自相殘殺的; 競爭激烈的

8.donkey work n. 艱苦單調而又無趣的工作例句:I don't know anything about gardening, but I could do the donkey work for you if want to make a rockery. 我對園藝一竅不通,但是你要建假山的話,我還是可以為你幹些體力活的。
9. down the drain 浪費掉, 化為烏有, 落空例句:If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain! 你要是中斷大學的學習,你花的錢就會都付諸東流了。My wife wanted a new carpet in the living room, but as we are moving in six months it would only be money down the drain. 我妻子想起居室裏換塊新地毯,不過我們再過6個月就要搬走,那只是白白浪費錢財。A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain. 只要發生一個錯誤,全部的時間和金錢就將盡付東流。
10.Pay lip service
參考: 海詞在線詞典

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