急急 ! 幫我解答一下英文問題

2011-01-09 9:26 am
請每題 依序服上詳解

B. Reading comprehension :
( ) 46.Xena: What does one do when one is heart-broken?
Zeta: ______
(A) Take care of it.
(B) Pick up the pieces and go on.
(C) Paint it red.
(D) Love hurts.( ) 47.Yolanda: ______
Carrie: The more you care the more it hurts.
(A) Why did you leave it here?
(B) I just got dumped.
(C) Love really hurts.
(D) Do things always go your way?( ) 48.Aries: I am who I am, I can't change that but I can change things.
Libby: Wow, ______
(A) that is deep! (B) I know who I am.
(C) I think, therefore, I am. (D) I am calling the cops.( ) 49.Bambi: ______
Roger: That is not possible considering how much you spend on junk.
(A) Go for things that matter.
(B) You are driving me up the wall.
(C) I want to go to Europe for a vacation.
(D) True independence is hard.( ) 50.Sunny: To be involved with someone sure brings a lot of problems.
Teddy: ______
(A) Tell me about it! (B) Things are not what they seem.
(C) Change is not always good. (D) Change is good.*
1. If you really like Susan, _______ ask her out?
(A) about to (B) why not (C) why don't (D) do well
2. I couldn't help _______ the cows walking on the road.
(A) but noticing (B) but notice (C) notice (D) to notice
6. We couldn't decide ____________________. (Choose the WRONG one)
(A) whether we should go or not (B) which way would we go
(C) what present we would buy for Dad (D) where to place the vase
9. His flight was delayed, but he should be home _______ nine-thirty.
(A) by (B) through (C) as (D) beyond
13. Lots of small factories were _______ during the recession (經濟蕭條).
(A) shut down (B) cleaned up (C) closed out (D) drawn out
14. Alice really enjoys her work and _______ her achievements.
(A) is fond of (B) is proud of (C) was surprised at (D) was satisfied with
20. It is quite _______ to see people exercising in the park in the morning.
(A) common (B) usual (C) religious (D) great

回答 (2)

2011-01-18 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
46. Take care of it.
47. Love really hurt.
48. I know who I am.
49. Go for things that matter.
50. Things are not what they seem.
1. why don't
2. but notice
6. which way would we go.(wrong one)
9. beyond
13. shut down
14. is proud of
20. usual
2011-01-09 5:56 pm

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