IVE qualifications are vocational qualifications which cannot be directly compared with general qualifications (like HKCE). If you are talking about recognition by the vocational sector, for example in the accounting profession, a 'Certificate' should be up to HKQF Level 2 which is more favourable than HKCE when you are applying for a technical position.
However, if the amployer is looking for someone who has good academic potential, an applicant with very good HKCE result may stand a better chance.
For you information, Higher Diplona is at HKQF Level 4, Diploma Level 3, and Certificate Level 2. For details of the Hong Kong Qualification Framework, please visit the following website:
2011-01-12 21:07:22 補充:
To: LeungCoCo
For a 4-year HD course offered by IVE, a student who has successfully completed the first two years is entitled to the award of a "Certificate" when he/she opts out.