Do you consider black girls pretty.?

2011-01-09 1:12 am
I go to a school that is mostly white and I always hear these racial comments about black girls. I always see a black guy and white girl together but never a black girl and white guy.

回答 (23)

2011-01-09 1:15 am
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some black girls are really pretty, one of my closest friends is one of them. there are ugly and pretty people in every ethnicity.
2011-01-09 1:18 am
Yes, who wouldn't? I grew up around some racist Whites and honestly they don't even call Black girls ugly. Never heard that til I came online.

Lets be honest, anyone who denies beauty in one race has ulterior motives (jealousy, anger, bitter about rejection...etc). Bottom Line.
2011-01-09 1:14 am
Some black girls are very pretty. I would date one myself if i did'nt prefer my fellow caucasians
2011-01-09 1:22 am
A pretty girl is a pretty girl, race cannot determine this.
2011-01-09 1:15 am
Like all race, there are pretty black girls and ugly black girls.
2011-01-09 1:23 am
some black girls are pretty. for example: Rihanna
2011-01-09 1:17 am
Of course. I especially think the girls with strong facial features who have shaved their heads are pretty! It just puts off a sense that she is strong and un-afraid of not being the typical female! Every race has it's pretties and uglies.
2011-01-09 1:17 am
I consider black men with firm butts pretty
2011-01-09 1:31 am
2015-09-13 5:19 am
I am white mexican y indian y yes I consider black women pretty. All races has beautiful women not just 1 race.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:41:20
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