唔該大家幫幫我,download apps一問.

2011-01-09 6:48 am
我e兩日用iphone上apps download gameDownload前要入password之後隻game未自動入洛主畫面到然後講請稍後...之後佢再彈咗一堆英文:iTunes terms and conditions changedBefore you poced you must read and accept the new terms and conditions跟住down唔到la有咩方法可以download得番d game???幫幫我呀,唔該~

回答 (4)

2011-01-10 9:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
當 apple store 或 itunes 既條款更新的話

就會出咁既 message,當你係 apple store download app 時就會問你

唔使理佢既,照咁 agree 就 OK 架啦

最尾會叫你入番個 apple id 密碼

就可以照舊 download
2011-01-14 8:38 am
hi, sometimes Apple changes the terms and consitions in iTunes, so u will see this sentence when u d/l the app. just look and click the "agree/accept" at the bottom, then u can d/l the app.
參考: ipad user
2011-01-11 12:35 am
2011-01-09 10:56 pm
您好, 我推薦您一個很不錯的游戲網站:香港游戲網。里面包含有很多游戲的介紹和攻略,更多內容正在不斷補充完善中:



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