too difficult to / for ??

2011-01-09 4:42 am
請問 too difficult to 同 too difficult for 有咩分別?幾時用邊個??詳盡d唔該

回答 (3)

2011-01-09 7:10 pm
too difficult to:

to do something, usually followed by an action

e.g: This task is too difficult to complete.

too difficult for:

for someone, usually followed by a person

e.g: This task is too difficult for him.

參考: me
2011-01-09 5:19 am

2011-01-09 4:46 am
too difficult to + verb
eg: the things are too difficult to finish

too difficult for + noun
eg: the job is too diffucult for her to finish

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