英文present 兩仔條題目

2011-01-09 12:24 am
1.will you fall in love in love with someone you see for the first time?why or why not?
2.do you think love is so powerful?give resons to supports your answer
1.5分鍾 幫幫手

回答 (2)

2011-01-09 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning everyone, today I am going to talk about, will you all in love when you see someone on the first time and do u think love is so power? give a reason to supports ur answer

First, I think I will now fall in love when I am seeing some guy on the first time
because I need time to know about him or her, and to love a people, I think that anyone will need a space to let me to get along with him or her.

Second, I agree that love is so powerful because from ancient to now, there are much lovers to runaway with their partner because their family doesn't allow them to get along.And there are many case about love and death.There is a pair of lover, the girl is live in a rich enviroment, and the boy's family is a middle-class and he lost his father. The lover got along in a long time, one day
the boy stay in the girl's home until the deep in the night.The girl's parents use
abusive language at the boy, they need the boy get out immediately,and the parents said the boy was causing harass.The girl retorted. But the boy was feeling shame and sorry to the girl, he jumped out from second floor, dead.
It can show that love is so powerful and it can control your mind and your life.

It was all I have to say and I hope that give you an idea on love. Thank You!

2011-01-08 19:11:42 補充:
第一句: will you fall in love
第4句: now---->not
第6句:me----> them
第8句:唔要個to 即 there are much lovers runaway
第9句:case----> cases There is---> There was the girl is-->the girl was
第10句:the boy's family is ---? the boy's family was
參考: me 有錯請指點
2011-01-09 5:22 am



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