英文高手進 Help Ar

2011-01-08 9:15 pm
但我個d Tenses好差

Simple present , Present continuous , Simple past , Simple future and Present perfect


回答 (3)

2011-01-09 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
PRESENT SIMPLE (usually, often, every day[ year])

1: - to talk about what people do all the time, or again and again.
I speak English.

2: - to talk about things which are always true. (stating fact)
Water boils at 100° C.

3: - to talk about situations which are permanent (continuing for a long time).
Mr. Smith lives in London. (that is his permanent home.)

PRESENT PERFECT (already, yet, just, never, since, ever, recently, lately)

1: - to talk about something which started in the past and continues up to the present.
She has worked in Canton for six months. ( = She still works in Canton now.)
He has lived in this house since 1931.

2: - for things which have happened during a period of time that continues up to the present.
Have you ever eaten Japanese food? ( = in your life up to now)

3: - to talk about an action in the past which has an effect or result in the present.
The taxi has arrived. (the taxi is now here.)

4: - with yet (adverb) in questions, if you want to know if something you are expecting has, or has not, happened.
Has the postman come yet ?

5:- - with never in negative sentences.
I have never seen a ghost.

6: - with already when something has happened sooner than expected:
I have already eaten.

7: - with just (adverb) when you talk about something that happened a very short time ago.
They have just come back from holiday.

8: - with a period of time which has not yet finished, like today, this week, this month, this year.
We have only had two customers all evening.

9: - with “recently” and “lately” when you talk about something which happened not long ago or to ‘announce ‘news’.
The weather has been terrible lately.
I have not worn these trousers recently.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE, PAST TENSE and FUTURE: Email to you, run out of space.

To 回答者:Ling:
We go to school by bus every day. (“every” and “day” should be two separate words. Everyday is an adjective.)

2011-01-09 11:03:19 補充:

我已寄出兩 Emails,請接收
參考: Grammar Spectrum - M. Harrison
2011-01-09 5:29 am


2011-01-08 10:31 pm
Simple present ,

We go to school by bus everyday.
My mother cooks dinner for us everyday.
He is a naughty boy
Who is the girl in red shirt ?
She is a girl, whose mother is a teacher.
I am busy.

Present continuous (now/ at the present moment)
We are going to school now.
My mother is cooking dinner for us now.
She is reading a book now
What are you doing now?
I am talking to Mary now.

Simple past ,- yesterday, last night, last week, last year, the year before
We went to picnic yesterday
What did your mother make last Sunday?
My mother rmade a cake last Sunday.
He was late last night.
She was the girl, whom we met yesterday.
What happened last night?
Nothing happened last night.
I was busy yesterday afternoon.

Simple future - shall/will +
We shall visit our grandmother on Sunday.
What will your mother make for your birthday party?
My mother will make a cake for my birthday party.
He will not be late tonight.
She will see Mary this afternoon.

and Present perfect- has/have +
We have visited our grandmother.
What has your mother made for your birthday party?
He has not been late.
She has seen Mary & her mother.

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