國際到/離港 ?

2011-01-08 5:47 pm
要係國際到/離港到查既? 唔係應該係國內到/離港?

回答 (4)

2011-01-10 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2011-01-09 9:14 am
It has nothing to do with "One country, two systems" and historical issue.

The reason is simple - domestic terminal can't handle flight from/to Hong Kong.

Domestic terminal does not equip with Customs and Immigration facilities.
2011-01-09 1:11 am
History issue. they were international flights before the "handover". and "one country two systems" issue.

**** Shanghai is also an international city.

2011-01-09 15:45:12 補充:
Domestic terminal does not equip with Customs and Immigration facilities.
**** Then why need Custom/Immigration facilities?
think about the logic behind.

2011-01-09 15:45:27 補充:
also, the new terminal of Beijing Airport was completed couple yrs ago. If it is not a "one-country-two-systems" / historical issue, this should have been incorp in the design.

2011-01-09 15:45:34 補充:
International terminals can always be converted for domestic flight (e.g. Perth Airport once had domestic flight in the international terminal)
2011-01-08 5:54 pm

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