2)http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/4297/20110107044.jpg <--- 上下2條
http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7310/201101070401.jpg <--1條
http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/4297/20110107044.jpg 點解個杯闊D IMAGE就會倒轉 個杯窄 D IMAGE就會正立? .? 下面,果條, 佢話加D 水 落去個COIN度可當放大鏡 請解釋 之後http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7310/201101070401.jpg 就係想問 點解支筆放左入支試管再放入水會睇唔到 加番水又睇番到?
我有點不明白 A spherical lens has curvature both in the vertical and horizontal planes, thus producing inverted images.<-curvature是lens的面的曲率嗎? 此外為什麼它會有 curvature both in the vertical and horizontal planes,還有lens的成像跟 curvature, vertical and horizontal planes有什麼關係? 還有它是不是在任何情況也是inverted的?
A cylindrical lens has curvature only on the horizontal plane but not on the vertical plane, thus producing lateral inverted images <--為什麼它只on the horizontal plane沒有horizontal planes ?.?...為什麼只有 horizontal plane的話 image會是lateral inverted的?.另外,是不是在任何情況它的image也一樣只是lateral inverted?.?... 謝謝解答!