2011-01-08 1:46 am
1)A real image is captured on a translucent screen. CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY WE CAN SEE THE IMAGE ON A SCREEN from different directions?

2)http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/4297/20110107044.jpg <--- 上下2條

http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7310/201101070401.jpg <--1條


http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/4297/20110107044.jpg 點解個杯闊D IMAGE就會倒轉 個杯窄 D IMAGE就會正立? .? 下面,果條, 佢話加D 水 落去個COIN度可當放大鏡 請解釋 之後http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7310/201101070401.jpg 就係想問 點解支筆放左入支試管再放入水會睇唔到 加番水又睇番到?


我有點不明白 A spherical lens has curvature both in the vertical and horizontal planes, thus producing inverted images.<-curvature是lens的面的曲率嗎? 此外為什麼它會有 curvature both in the vertical and horizontal planes,還有lens的成像跟 curvature, vertical and horizontal planes有什麼關係? 還有它是不是在任何情況也是inverted的?


A cylindrical lens has curvature only on the horizontal plane but not on the vertical plane, thus producing lateral inverted images <--為什麼它只on the horizontal plane沒有horizontal planes ?.?...為什麼只有 horizontal plane的話 image會是lateral inverted的?.另外,是不是在任何情況它的image也一樣只是lateral inverted?.?... 謝謝解答!

回答 (1)

2011-01-08 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. A real image is one that really exists in space. A translucent screen casues light to be diffusively reflected in all directions. Thus the image can be viewed at all angles.

2.(a) This is the difference between image formed by a "spherical convex lens" and a "cylindrical convex lens". Becuase of the different shapes of the lens, the images so produced are different. A spherical lens has curvature both in the vertical and horizontal planes, thus producing inverted images (i.e. the image is upside down). A cylindrical lens has curvature only on the horizontal plane but not on the vertical plane, thus producing lateral inverted images (i.e. the image is left-right interchanged).

(b) Becuase of gravity, the circular water film at the centre of the hole is thicker than that near the circumference. Thus the film of water acts like a convex lens which could magnify objects.

(c) You could not see the pencil when the test-tube is empty is because the air-glass-water acts like a reflective surface that bends away all light rays coming out from the pencil.

But when the test-tube is filled with water, it becomes a homogeneous medium inside and outside the glass tube, reflection of light doesn't occur and the light rays from the pencil could come out from the beaker and be observed by yhe eyes.

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