date & day - Difference?

2011-01-07 11:33 pm
I wan to ask what are the differences between Date & Day?

Which one is correct?

1 : Same Date
2 : Same Day

Please state the usage, thank!!

回答 (7)

2011-01-10 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, Ace of Spade but I've to speak up!

What date is today?

Here has a grammar structure problem. We'll say like this: What is today's date?

What day is today?

We understand what you are going to say but it's wired when you hear someone say it in your way.

I partly agree with Jekin. He wrote: Mary was borned on the same day as John.
If you say: Mary was borned on the same date as John!!! You are emphasizing the date of birth.

I revise it in this way: John and Mary made their appointments on the same date.

Another inappropriate example from you:

Mary met John on the same day when he broke his leg. (Careful on your grammar.)

You should revise your sentence:
They met on the day when John had broken his leg.


John had broken his leg when he met Mary on the same day.
2011-01-08 7:48 pm
簡簡單單.......如下Date .............. 日期, 日子. 係說出那一日或那一天.
eg : .
We have set the date for our wedding. 我們已經確定了婚期 。

Day ............... 天, 一天, 兩天, 今天. 今日, 上一日....等 係日或天之意思.
eg : .
He works ten hours every day . 他每天工作十小時。

2011-01-08 5:25 am

2011-01-08 4:46 am
same date - refer to the date 1.1.2011

What is the date on the letter you received? Does it have the same date as mine - 1 January.

same day - refer to 1.1.2011 or Monday.....

Are we going to see each other on the same day next month? Yes, let us meet again on lst.

Are we going to see each other on the same day next week?
Yes, let us see again next Monday..

Is Mary going to Japan?
Yes , she is going to Japan on the same day as you. ( it can be 2/2 or next Monday etc........)
2011-01-08 1:47 am
對不起, 002說:”same date是不會出現的...”

Muslim organizations to celebrate Idul Fitri on same date

文章就多次出現same date
2011-01-08 1:20 am
Mary was borned on the same date as John.
Mary was borned on the same day as John.

Mary has the same birth date (或通常英語人會說date of birth)as John.就可以用date.


same date是不會出現的,因為date只有一個。不會兩樣東西在同一個「日期」內。
所以same一定是day的。no exception.不用擔心會寫錯。

上面給你例子是說明:same "date of birth"是一樣東西,跟same "date"的意思不同。所以同一日出世的寫法born on the same day只有一種寫法。
2011-01-07 11:51 pm
When we ask : What date is today?
Ans : Today is 14/01/2011;

When we ask : What day is today?
Ans : Today is Friday.

1. same date : Mary was borned on the same date as John.

2. same day: Mary met John on the same day when he broke his leg.

Both are correct, depends on what you want to say.

2011-01-08 03:03:27 補充:
Yes, Jenkin has a point, it's unusual for anyone to say "same date" when it can be better understood as same day or the same date of birth for that matter. But I don't think I've denied in anyway, the same date must be the same day in any calendar month as you've strongly insisted.

2011-01-08 03:03:36 補充:
Let's us not stray too much off topic, shall we?

"same date" do exist in writting

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