急! 以高温高壓滅菌是否有效呢? 20點

2011-01-07 10:46 pm
懇請各位專家幫一幫小女子, 我們公司是一家小型中成藥製藥商, 最近遇到一大難題是: 我家的中成藥產品的微生物含量測試均未能達標, 在網上看到高温高壓滅菌steam sterilization 乃是一種以物理方法殺滅細菌(包括微生物的頑固疱子)的, 請問專家我們能否把中成藥完成品(已入真空膠袋)直接放進消毒器內滅菌呢?

煩請這方面的物理專家幫忙解答, 請不要在網上轉貼資料, 感激~感激~

回答 (2)

2011-01-08 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先我不是消毒專家 , 我只是對清潔上有認識吧了 . 第一你要知道是何種疱子呢 ? 因為depend upon on what type of mciroorgansim , will require what degree of temperature & how long to kill all the bacteria . 第二你的膠袋可以stand how high the temperature . For just boiling , you can only reach 100 degree C . For stream with pressure you can reach 120 to 130 degree . For dry heat you can reach 160 to 180 . According to the type of bacteria & the plastic bag , you can select the right method & time required to suit your need . You can use the above to do pilot tests to determine the right temperature & time requred to your 成药 , however your 成药can also stand the temperature ? All these you have to consider .
2011-01-08 2:38 am
參考: me

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