Idioms related to Colours

2011-01-07 10:04 pm
What is .....
1.A black sheep?
2.Out of the blue?
3.Green fingers?
4.Catch someone red-hand?
5.Born with a silver spoon in their mouth?
6.White lie?
7.flying colour?

Can you give me some examples of each idioms? Thank you. ^v^

回答 (3)

2011-01-08 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.A black sheep? 白羊中的「黑羊」,社會/團體中的壞份子或倒蛋者。通常是善意的批評或自嘲自己是「另類」/。
He is the black sheep of the class, he likes to argue about everything with the teacher.
2.Out of the blue? 突然間,出奇不意,形容主動或被動的情況都可以。
He came to the party out of the blue, do you know how he found out about it because no one invited him.
3.Green fingers? 有園藝天份,或能使東西「生長」。
She has green fingers that everything she do seems to grow better.
4.Catch someone red-hand? 「捉姦在床」或「人贓並獲」等等,以廣東話「當場斷正」的意思。
The thief was caught red-handed when the owner of the shop returned after open hours.
5.Born with a silver spoon in their mouth? 富家子弟。
Richard Lee was born with a silver spoon in his month, it is also true with his sons.

6.White lie? 「白色謊言」意思是良好意願的欺騙或無惡的謊言。
Mothers often tell white lies to their children to encourage and motivate them to do good on something even though they may not have the talent on the subject.

7.flying colour? 超卓,非常棒。不過好像要colours的。
She performed the dance with flying colours, no wonder she won the grand price of the competition.
2011-01-08 5:26 am

2011-01-08 12:17 am
2) I sang this song once in a Karaoke session :

You took me right, out of the blue...
Simply by showing that you love me too...
Only by giving me your everything
with a love so true..
You took me out of the blue..."

must listen! nice song of the late 90's I think. Let me see I can link you up.

Here you go :


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