What is the "O" of Ag2O (silver (I) oxide)? Is it an O2-?

2011-01-05 2:29 pm
What is the "O" of Ag2O (silver (I) oxide)? Is it an O2-?

回答 (3)

2011-01-05 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Silver oxide is two silver atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together into a molecule of silver oxide.

When oxygen atoms are not bonded to something else, they bond together in pairs forming molecules of O2.
2011-01-06 7:40 am
According to the chart about ions AG2O is 2 silver ions and one oxygen ion. I hope this helps
2011-01-05 10:50 pm
Yes. The compound Ag2O can be written as Ag-O-Ag. Compare H2O = H-O-H.

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