✔ 最佳答案
These are some problems I read in U magazine, the issue called "Sick and the City" However. these are the problems of Hong Kong..
1. 貧富待遇懸殊 The Difference in the Treatments of the Rich and the Poor
* 對窮人奉行資本主義 Pursue the system of capitalism on the poor
- 要自力更生 To be self-reliant
- 不靠政府 Not to rely on the government
eg. 交通津貼要試驗
* Providing the Rich with Too Many Benefits
- Providing financial aid to high-quality properties
eg. 港鐵穫政府補貼, 附送起樓起商場地皮
2. Air Pollution
- The air pollution index had nearly reached 500 this year
- Many people want to immigrate and leave Hong Kong
Eg. 2 years ago, 1 in 5 hong kong residents want to leave because of air pollution
this year, the same organisation did the same survey and 1 in 4 hong kong residents want to leave hong kong because of air pollution
3. The Concealment of the Government from the Public
- Hiding the truth when they know there are dangers or risks
Eg. 03年沙士, 政府隱瞞社區爆發
2010 大亞灣核電廠核幅射洩漏
Hope this helps lah~