A Biology question

2011-01-06 6:03 am
Kwashiorkor is usually resulted because of the lack of protein in diets. Usually they have a swollen belly because of the accumulation of tissue fluid.

How does the tissue fluid accumulate under the condition of kwashiorkor?

001: 你給我一大段wiki關於kwashiorkor, 卻沒有一個字提及accumulation of tissue fluid

回答 (2)

2011-01-14 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kwashiorkor is caused by the lack of protein in diets in long term.
As a result, the concentration of some plasma protins (e.g. albumins which is improtent for maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood) decreases and, thus, the osmotic pressure of blood increases.

As the osmotic pressure of tissue fluid in abdominal cavity is unchange and the osmotic pressure of blood is higher than the tissue fluid in abdominal cavity, water cannot be reabsorbed into circulation. Thus, tissue fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity and cuases swollen belly.
參考: base on my learning in Human Biology, and sorry for my poor English
2011-01-10 7:30 am

2011-01-11 11:04:44 補充:
There is 'accumulation of tissue fluid' and 'kwashiorkor' in this page.

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