in, for,during,over 的些疑問

2011-01-06 5:54 am the past 10 yrs.
...for the past 10 yrs.
...over the past 10 yrs.
...during the past 10yrs.



Not only did she leave her footprints all over the world, but she rooted the name of England's rose into everyone's heart as well.

當中,not only did she,的''did ''點解會甘用?點解會用系度?


回答 (3)

2011-01-10 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1) over/for/in/during the past 10 years以上preposition有咩分別? The distinctions among "over/for/in the past 10 years" used with the time frame of present perfect are so little that you might use them interchangeably. "over/for/in the past 10 years"它們之間的區別是如此少, 你可交替使用它們。I haven't met her in/for/over the past 10 years.( present perfect tense)In :在...期間; 在...以後I haven't met her in a long time. 我好長時間沒有遇見她了。For :在(指定時間)The meeting is arranged for 9 o'clock. 會議安排在九點鐘。Over :在...期間My grandchildren will stay over Christmas. 我的孫兒孫女們耶誕節期間將待在這兒。During :在...期間的某一時候; 在...的整個期間They met and fell in love with each other during the Second World War. 他們在第二次世界大戰期間相遇並相愛。Ididn't meet her during the past 10 years.(past tense) Don't speak during/over the meal. 吃飯時別說話。(2)not only did she,的''did ''點解會甘用??是倒裝句。 倒裝句(inverted sentence)是英文八種加強句法之一。動詞一般放在名詞後面。動詞放在名詞前面的,叫倒裝句。(A verb normally follows a subject. Inversion occurs when a verb is put before a subject.) Not only did he make a promise, but he also kept it.(=He not only made a promise but he also kept it. )(留意由did…make轉回made)Not only is heintelligent but hardworking also .(=He is not only intelligent
but hardworking.) Not only does he like you, but also respect you.(=He not only likes you but he also respect you.)On no account will I vote for her.(=I will on no account vote for her.)
2011-01-06 6:33 pm

2011-01-06 6:57 am
"Not only did she leave her footprints all over the world, but she rooted the name of England's rose into everyone's heart as well.
你的句子是inversion,所謂inversion(倒裝法)就是指:助動詞在名詞之前, 主動詞在名詞之後。 (FORM 4-5 會學)

In this case,助動詞=did, 主動詞=leave, 名詞=she.

效果是加強語氣, 表示其在文章中的代表性.

During = over (睇邊個順口就用la)
during" expresses a period or range of time
e.g. The shop is closed in the whole month of July (wrong)
The shop is closed during the whole month of July. (correct)in" specifies a time: "at this time" /exactly when an activity happens

e.g.We stayed there during July (wrong)
We stayed there during July(correct)

'for "我唔係幾識,always opposes since,
shows how long you have been doing that job,
is always used in a snetence in perfect tense.
參考: Simonlee

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