搵一篇英文報紙 急急

2011-01-06 3:08 am

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2011-01-06 3:57 am
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From : HK StandardMore girls lured into `compensated dating' 18.08.2008
Link :http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=11&art_id=70304&sid=20231374&con_type=1

From : Young SCMPThe cost of 'dating' 17.11.2009Link :http://www.yp.scmp.com/home/website/article.aspx?id=1224§ion=Students+Tuesday+covers From : RTHKWarning over 'compensated dating' 29.08.2009A survey suggests that one-in-three young people would consider engaging in so-called compensated dating full-time to make a living. The term is widely regarded as a euphemism for prostitution, as it involves accepting money for sexual favours. The Hong Kong Christian Service called on parents and teachers to strengthen communication with their children and students and to alert them to the dangers of the practice. The organisation interviewed nearly 580 young people aged between 12 and 20. The study found that more than 34 percent of respondents would consider compensated dating as a job. Among those, 60 percent said their purpose would be to earn quick cash, 31 percent said they would give the money to their families, while 23 percent said they would do it to satisfy sexual urges. The survey organisers called on parents and teachers to strengthen communication with their children and students and to alert them to the dangers of compensated dating.
參考: @@****@@
2011-01-06 4:17 am

Above is an essay by William Sparrow dated 10 May 2008 in Asia Times.
參考: Internet

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