留學生的困擾 (希望幫幫我)

2011-01-05 11:56 pm
我今年來Canada, 本身帶住熱情, 自信同興奮ge心來, 我以前間int school / HK 果時幾popular, 多fds. 但我諗今日完全相反, 我係int student, 頭幾日都同int student一齊, 不過竟然7成都係大陸人, 同佢地不能用ENG交流 + 佢地自已都係用Chinese交流. so 根本冇興趣識...

我就去識左幾多Chinese girls....但係Canada d 生活boring, 我又lonely, so 我weekend不停去約d女出街, 但係唔知系咪太rush+jerk...好多女仔被嚇親...我又同其中一个女表白失敗, 所以problem係好多Chinese girl 都以為我系果d playboy, 成日識女仔...之後d女都冇理我...問心其實只係我boring想出街, 冇企圖...只係對一个女有興趣....講真, 比女仔杯葛好hurt

到regular school day, 我係freshman, 上堂果時d人都係同返自已d friends 坐埋一齊, 仲有要係Chinese同埋一齊, Black同埋一齊, white...so on.. 佢地都好happy, 有話題, 我會覺得mo la la過去會好怪, 去唔同ethnic group 就更怪...我係Vancouver, 咩multiculture...other group d 人根本唔會show 你...太多chinese, 唔知係咪有stereotype....真係自己人同自已人玩.....本地人最多做classmate or 見到面就what's up....

我承認我係有歧視d大陸人, 佢地唔係唔識speak Eng, 係根本冇心講Eng, 我都唔知佢地來Canada做乜, 日日講中文 ...我同佢地講Eng係得, but 人地又5 show 你...我真係想學/講 Eng. 佢地幾乎要上ESL, 我就上regular class

最大問題係我性格變左, 冇左自信, 內向, lonely, 返學等放學, self-criticism 同沮喪, 連識Canadian born Chinese 都冇信心, 怕自已Eng屎, 我好想去識new friends, 但最後又淆底

完全係2個人lor, Canada d 生活得好差, lonely and fearful...以前都唔會
can anyone help me??? i know my biggest problem is 心態
我都有research 同 read d article to help myself, but go back to school 又做唔到

回答 (4)

2011-01-06 1:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Don't worry, your mind-set do not have problem "yet" ! Your problem is same as everyone in life, which is the "new environment", "strange", "differences", "interpersonal matters", "problems", "objection"... Do you remember the first day you went to kindergarden in your life ? awful, wasn't it ? What happen after a period of time ? No rush & bear in mind, "out of expectation" is common in our everyday-life. Think, how's the clever people to cope with it n via versa !

2. Do you hate the people discriminating you ? 中同中, 黑同黑, 白同白.. How do you feel n comment about them and what do you want to be ? Think deeply to this ...until finished then C 4.

3. Knowledge & girl are not the only things you need to pick up from your education, it's moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic. Inter-personal skill is 1 of them !

4. Pls find the mirror effect, kind people always stick with kind people, greedy stick with greedy! You're discriminating the people(who doesn't speak English), n they've the same feeling for being discriminated ! Your loneliness is from isolating others n others isolating you. So respect others n don't be fussy to isolate the non-Eng speakers because you want to learn Eng! In fact, do you realize they need help more than you ? They grown-up n educated in the situation with no choice. They understand what the text-book says which's probably more than you but Eng only. They get on with each others n help the best they can. They're also lonely, feared, strange, struggle like you...
"最大問題係我性格變左, 冇左自信. 內向, lonely, 返學等放學, self-criticism 同沮喪, 連識Canadian born Chinese 都冇信心, 怕自已Eng屎, 我好想去識new friends, 但....".
For example, if you were in Russia, Spain, Iraq, Japan, Indonesia to study n there were only non-Eng people n Chin. How would u be ? Think deeply in all situations. 尤其你同 Chin.講中文佢又唔蘇你. I wish if you can find the mirror of yourself.

5. 心態不是你最大的問題, 是習慣,態度和行為啊. 如你能學懂反醒, 放下主管態度, 並能發揮互相幫助精神(不論男女), 情況會很易改善凡的. 而且可令你畢生受用.
2011-01-20 10:05 am
其實, 有方法打開閣下與大陸人之間的隔膜,
令生活不再 lonely and fearful, 識更多 new friends,

如需協助, 可以聯絡 [email protected]
2011-01-15 4:47 am
2011-01-08 10:41 am
你講既我理解到,我7月係悉尼讀yr8,今年升yr9,我係果邊朋友唔多,差唔多都係大陸朋友.但係一定要學識主動,由其係你岩岩去讀,主動啲會易識人啲,我真係好後悔我頭1個月都唔主動去識人,成日都係得hi/how are u,你話上堂1個人,咁你就去主動識下其他人~你日日同人地打招呼,人地係會feel到架,唔得既話咪搵第2啲人囉,你yr11咁大,冇理由1個人都搵唔到既係咪.

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