i have a 300 w rms @2 ohm mono amp...want to run to 8" 150w subs..do i need 2 or 4 ohm dvc subs?

2011-01-05 12:26 am

want to run two 8" 150 watt subs, run at 2 ohms for max output...that said...do i want to get dvc 2 ohm...or dvc 4 ohm subs?

回答 (2)

2011-01-05 2:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you'd want a pair of dual 2's.

series/parallel wiring will net 2 ohms: http://images.the12volt.com/12voltimages/2_2ohm_dvc_2ohm.gif

each sub will get 150w rms.
2011-01-05 8:44 am
you can hook them up as is. Im not sure how many ohms are in each sub, but if you bridge them together you can lower the ohms. Example 2 subs with 4 ohms each can be bridged down to 2 ohms. You get more power when you even the the ohms on the subs to match the ohms on the amp. just dont go lower then 2 ohms because you can blow up your amp.
參考: 10 years installing speakers, amps, cd decks, and the things that go BOOM in your trunk

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