小一問題 英文

2011-01-04 7:43 am
我想問 :
My mother is a Mary
My father is a Ben
My sisthers are lulu and lili .

點解(My mother is a Mary My father is a Ben) 要加+ 'a' 既?



回答 (5)

2011-01-04 3:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My mother is a Mary....................... 應該不對.
My father is a Ben ....................... 應該不對.
My sisthers are lulu and lili

Mary is my Mother
Ben is my father
Lulu and Lili are my sisters


My mother Mary is a teacher.
My father Ben is a policeman
My sisters Lulu and Lili are students.

如你問題應該不用加 a

My mother is Mary
My father is Ben
My sisthers are lulu and lili .

2011-01-04 23:23:46 補充:
Suki your answer very gooooooooooooood
2011-01-04 7:08 pm

由於Mary和Ben是屬於你媽和爸的獨有名稱,所以人名是不用a的,並不多其中一個mary或ben,但是如果是職位或他們的性質,例如我媽是女人(一句意義不大的句子)的英文:my mother is a woman.卻是要a的。

2011-01-04 6:58 pm
My mother is a Mary

Mary= 呀四, 工人. 全天候任勞任怨為家人服務的好媽咪,哈哈!

註: n年前, 香港人習慣稱呼來自菲律賓女傭叫"mary"

My father is a Ben

Ben should be "bank"銀行, 家人的自動提款機.

My sisthers are lulu and lili .

這個句子没問題啊! 姐姐叫"lulu"妹妹"lili"..........@_@

2011-01-04 11:04:16 補充:
話明:"小一問題 英文". So, just try to think in a naughty mind. ^o^

2011-01-05 15:20:54 補充:
Dear Dr. James and little WhiteCloud,

Hehe, many thanksssss! I'm very eager to know the real answers also. Maybe it's just a joke!

參考: 文字機械人, 文字機械人
2011-01-04 8:06 am
要加 'a' 因為 "a" 字后面系 object。

例如:My mother is "a" nurse. My father is "a" policeman.
你寫概 "My mother is a Mary" & "My fagther is a Ben" 系唔正確。
2011-01-04 8:05 am
mother 只得一个 father也是

請幫幫我知識+搜尋 小小功課,小女求大家幚幚忙 教我做點功課

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